![]() The College Sport Auckland Young Sportsperson of the Year Awards will be held Saturday 26th November 2016, 4.00pm – 6.30pm at Eden Park (North Level 5 Lounge) to recognise outstanding achievement school sport achievement. Congratulations to all the finalists: International Achievement Diocesan School for Girls Clementine Hutchison Epsom Girls Grammar School Hannah Metzger Orewa College Paige Satchell Westlake Boys High School Daniel Hoy Service to Secondary School Sport Westlake Girls High School Christine Maud Epsom Girls Grammar School Pauline Farra Kaipara College Innes Kerr-Taylor Saint Kentigern College Rick Faulding Student Coach of the Year Macleans College Bronte Croad Mt Albert Grammar School Julia Robinson All Rounder Mt Albert Grammar School Caitlin Pritchard Kelston Girls College Grace Lui Aorere College Theresa Ngata Saint Kentigern College Tori Kolose Sacred Heart College Jonathan Ansley Athlete with a Disability Westlake Girls High School Anna Steven Otahuhu College Tupou Neiufi Athletics Onehunga High School Alex Hyland Lynfield College Maddison Wesche Kristin School Olivia McTaggart Westlake Boys High School Anthony Nobilo Macleans College Kamal Singh St Peter's College Oliver Miller Badminton Kristin School Christine Zhang ACG Sunderland College Gaea Galvez Macleans College Sally Fu Avondale College Dacmen Vong Auckland Grammar School Edward Lau Westlake Boys High School Oscar Guo Basketball Mt Albert Grammar School Sharne Pupuke-Robati Westlake Girls High School Tiarna Clarke Westlake Girls High School Zara Jillings Rangitoto College Daniel Fotu Westlake Boys High School Isaac Letoa Rangitoto College Samuel Waardenburg Cricket Epsom Girls Grammar School Bella Armstrong Saint Kentigern College Rae Allright Diocesan School for Girls Yaz Kareem Westlake Boys High School Angus McKenzie Mt Albert Grammar School Katene Clarke Saint Kentigern College Sandeep Patel Cycling St Cuthbert's College Georgia Danford Epsom Girls Grammar School Grace Masterson Saint Kentigern College Madeleine Park Auckland Grammar School Aaron Wyllie Saint Kentigern College Connor Brown Takapuna Grammar School Oscar Elworthy Distance Running B Baradene College Georgia Clode Takapuna Grammar School Katherine Badham St Mary's College Maiya Christini Westlake Boys High School Daniel Hoy Sacred Heart College James Uhlenberg Westlake Boys High School Joseph Clark Equestrian Diocesan School for Girls Bronte Sewell Football Mt Albert Grammar School Grace Jale Saint Kentigern College Hannah Blake Mt Albert Grammar School Jacqueline Hand Saint Kentigern College Liam Williams Sacred Heart College Lucas Imrie Saint Kentigern College Luke Johnson Golf Northcote College Elanor Grimwood Westlake Girls High School Katie Pryce-Jones Botany Downs Secondary College Siyi Keh Saint Kentigern College Andrew Meng Saint Kentigern College Erik Jorgensen Massey High School Kevin Koong Gymsports Botany Downs Secondary College Brooke Davies ACG Strathallan College Grace Schroder Epsom Girls Grammar School Tyla Bow Pukekohe High School Cameron Johnson Onehunga High School John Ryan Hockey Kristin School Hattie Jones Rangitoto College Kayla Reed St Cuthbert's College Madison Doar Rangitoto College Cameron Bramley Kristin School Connor Greentree Rangitoto College Dylan Stevenson Lacrosse Mt Albert Grammar School Georgia Carter Epsom Girls Grammar School Harriette Overend Epsom Girls Grammar School Nikki Fordyce Mountain Biking Epsom Girls Grammar School Dayna Haythorne Howick College Jessica Manchester Howick College Kayla Russell Mt Albert Grammar School James Kirkham Netball Mt Albert Grammar School Elle Temu Saint Kentigern College Mererangi Paul Saint Kentigern College Sydney Fraser Orienteering Pukekohe High School Ellenna Caudwell Avondale College Heidi Stolberger Kristin School Tegan Knightbridge Westlake Boys High School Andrei Popovici Takapuna Grammar School Max Griffiths Westlake Boys High School Ryan Williams Rowing Diocesan School for Girls Ella Simanu Diocesan School for Girls Kate Haines Westlake Girls High School Maria Markovich Saint Kentigern College Ethan Blight Auckland Grammar School Jonty Du Toit Kings College Oliver Maclean M Generated Rugby League Avondale College Caleb Uele St Paul's College Star To'a Westlake Boys High School Zae Wallace Rugby Union Alfriston College Lauryn Steed Union Mangere College Lose Mafi Union Kaipara College Rina Paraone Mt Albert Grammar School Caleb Clarke St Peter's College Harrison Plummer Mt Albert Grammar School Waimana Riedlinger-Kapa Softball Alfriston College Essence Jo Rogers One Tree Hill College Losana Hutchinson Mt Albert Grammar School Nerida Elson Rangitoto College Brock Attwell Mt Albert Grammar School Harley Maynard Mt Roskill Grammar School Jordan Tahana Squash Long Bay College Lauren Crowhurst Westlake Boys High School Gabe Yam Westlake Boys High School Matthew Lucente Westlake Boys High School Rafa Yam Swimming Diocesan School for Girls Annabelle Paterson Avondale College Gabrielle Fa'amausili Westlake Girls High School Yeon Su Lee Westlake Boys High School Finn Kennard-Campbell Westlake Boys High School Jason Churches St Peter's College Sebastien Priscott Table Tennis Epsom Girls Grammar School Christina Zhou Epsom Girls Grammar School Ruofei Rao Macleans College Zhi Ying Cheng Auckland Grammar School Dean Shu Westlake Boys High School Victor Ma Tennis Saint Kentigern College Lana Popovich Westlake Girls High School Lauren Alter Saint Kentigern College Shaylee Syme Saint Kentigern College Heve Kelley Kristin School Macsen Sisam Sacred Heart College Tim Heslin Touch Rangitoto College Kayla Reed Saint Kentigern College Mererangi Paul Saint Kentigern College Tori Kolose Orewa College Klay Murray Kings College Moses Puru Macleans College Sean Wilkie Triathlon/Duathlon/Aquathon Saint Kentigern College Anna Wilkinson Rangitoto College Jacey Cropp Takapuna Grammar School Katherine Badham Saint Kentigern College Daniel Whitburn Saint Kentigern College Dylan McCullough Sacred Heart College James Matthews Underwater Hockey Howick College Annabelle Fletcher-Jones Diocesan School for Girls Charlotte Borich Howick College Farrah Brill-Holland Mt Albert Grammar School Angus Scahill Mt Albert Grammar School Finn Hollingworth Howick College Ryan Deen Volleyball Auckland Girls Grammar School Ellena Taiseni Orewa College Jesse Te Rito Mangere College Ruta Urika Filifilia Westlake Boys High School Ashton Howard Westlake Boys High School Greg Vukets Manurewa High School Henry Ap'e Waka Ama Waitakere College Ina Tere McAuley High School Koha-Alofa Vitolio Water Polo St Cuthbert's College Antonia Young St Cuthbert's College Caitlin Mary Parker Allen Westlake Girls High School Nadia Pavlovich Saint Kentigern College Dominic Rankin-Chitar Kings College Jasmin Kolasinac Rangitoto College Matthew Morris Wrestling Rutherford College Matthew Oxenham Wrestling Orewa College Storme Grobler Yachting Diocesan School for Girls Charlotte Porter Rangitoto College Kerensa Jennings St Cuthbert's College Rose Dickson Kristin School Jackson Keon Kristin School Leonard Takahashi-Fry Rangitoto College Nick Egnot-Johnson |
March 2022
OrganisationCollege Sport Media is dedicated to telling the story of successful young sportspeople in New Zealand